For a Plumber You Can Trust in Spanaway, WA

It’s not easy to find a reliable plumber who won’t charge you a fortune for second rate work. The team at Good 2 Go Plumbing are dedicated to providing quality workmanship at affordable prices. We specialize in water main cleaning, sewer main cleaning, emergency repairs, installations and more.

On this page, we have compiled a list of answers to our most frequently asked questions. Contact us today for professional plumbing services throughout Spanaway, WA, and the surrounding areas.


  • How can I check if I have a leak?

    One way to check if you have a leak on your domestic water system is to make sure all your fixtures are turned off, go to your water meter, and if your water meter is spinning, then you have a leak somewhere.

  • Do I really need to worry about hidden leaks?

    Absolutely! Water damage is very costly. The damage water can do to a house is substantial.

  • Can leaks get bigger over time?

    They don't get smaller, so yes.

  • Should I repair or replace leaky faucets?

    Faucets go out over time and if there is a leak you have very good odds that the unit has worn out and needs replacement.

  • My toilet sounds like it is constantly running - is there anything I can do to fix it?

    Yes. A rebuild kit replaces the internals of your toilet tank, and would solve the problem.

  • Is having a tankless water heater more beneficial than a conventional heater?

    In our opinion, the energy saving capacity of a tankless does not outweigh the possible mechanical problems that may be incurred on a tankless. It really boils down to preference and need. For example, if you have a big soaker tub that you actually use, you're going to want to go with a tankless.

  • Why does my hot water not work as well in the winter?

    The ambient temperature of the water that your water heater is trying to heat is a lot colder in the wintertime, thus taking longer to heat.

  • How can I tell if I need a water heater replacement?

    There are many signs that you need a new water heater. The best rule of thumb is that a water heater should last 10 years. If your water heater is over 10 years old it should be replaced. Also, an active leak or rust spots.

  • What do I do if my toilet overflows?

    First, turn off the valve at the bottom left-hand side that is up against the wall. This will shut off the water to your toilet. Then give us a call.

  • Why do my pipes rattle and make noise all the time?

    There are two main reasons. One being excessive pressure (over 80 psi). The other would be the inadequate strapping of your piping system. Typically, it's a combination of both.

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Do you have a plumbing emergency? Call (253) 861-2930 and speak with an experienced plumber in Spanaway, WA, today.

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